Seems like there's a hurdle for everything... After I set my major: to be a Machinist,
I couldn't find my classes online to register for...
had to revisit HCC to find it.
I got 5/6 of my classes registered but now theres this stupid thing called TSI test.
I have to take that before i can take my classes which is lame...
For every dam hurdle it makes my want to rethink my decisions or paths im taking...
hopefully i can keep working at this until i get somewhere, nothing else worth doing.
-- Caught back up on the series of an anime I like: FairyTail
good stuff, hasnt bored me yet.
trying to give up gaming to make more time for other things, hopefully more productive things T.T
After i get my school stuff done for Fall, im going to ask for more shifts at work so i can make more money, im starting to see the "true" value of a dollar
I also want to upgrade a lot of my gadgets and remodel my room, hopefully ill get to that soon
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before work ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Work was alright, strange how i always seem to leave work with low sum of tips. Beginning to see that there is a skill level to this...
Went to go eat with my good friend peter and my (open relationship) girlfriend.
It was quite entertaining, learning more about eachother. Peter that is.
Afterwards decided to go watch the movie "Fast 5" it was alright... cars was nice, acting was kinda ehhh...
I need to work out... after watching vin d. and dwayne j., i feel so un-masculine.
almost 2am now, should probally hit the sack...
Couple things ive come to resolute -
1.Take the TSI test (just to get this shit over with and move on with life...)
2.Need MUSCALS (muscles btw.)
3.MO' MONEY (the value of a dollar is skyrocketing... at least in my world)
Love Life: A bit complicated, still confused... I know I should be putting in more effort and thought, but I feel like setting it aside to straighten other things out. I hope I dont regret this later... =(
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